Important Questions To Ask When Choosing A Facelift Surgeon

As time passes, our skin plays a game of tug-of-war with gravity while genetics adds its twists and turns. But fear not, for there’s an option for rejuvenation in a facelift. It’s the ultimate secret weapon that can bring back that youthful radiance for those in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and even 70s. Its magical touch prevents sagging and helps restore a vibrant and refreshed appearance. 

The decision to undergo a facelift surgery can be life-changing. A successful operation can boost your confidence and enhance your natural beauty. However, choosing the right surgeon is the key to a successful facelift procedure. Let’s explore the process together!

Introduction to Facelift Surgery

Before going a step further, it’s best to learn some details about the procedure.

Facelift surgery, medically referred to as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic procedure to reduce visible signs of aging in the face and neck. It involves tightening loose skin, repositioning underlying tissues and removing excess fat to give a more youthful appearance. As simple as this might sound, the procedure requires a surgeon with high skill, expertise and aesthetic understanding.

Your surgeon plays a significant role in determining the outcome of your facelift surgery by ensuring a successful operation, a comfortable recovery and satisfying results. That’s why it’s critical to do thorough research and ask the right questions.

Things to Consider Before a Facelift

Doing research can give you a comprehensive understanding of the procedure, associated risks and expected outcomes. Here’s a list of things to keep in mind:

Realistic Expectations

Keep realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. While a facelift can significantly improve, it cannot entirely stop the natural aging process or guarantee a flawless appearance.

Recovery Time

Facelift surgery involves a recovery period. Swelling, bruising and discomfort are common in the initial days after the procedure. It may take several weeks or even months for the full results to be visible, and the recovery process can vary from person to person.

Potential Risks

Like any surgical procedure, a facelift carries certain risks. These can include infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in sensation, skin discoloration and unfavourable scarring. Be sure to discuss these risks with your surgeon before making a decision.

Longevity of Results

A facelift can provide long-lasting results but does not halt the natural aging process. Over time, the effects of aging, gravity, and other factors will gradually affect the facial appearance again. However, a facelift can turn back the clock and provide a more youthful appearance that can last for several years.


Skilled surgeons strive to minimize scarring, but facelift incisions typically leave scars. However, these scars are usually well-hidden within the natural creases and hairline. They tend to fade over time and can be concealed with makeup.

Lifestyle Factors

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can contribute to the longevity of facelift results. Factors such as sun protection, a balanced diet, regular exercise, avoiding smoking and managing stress can help preserve the procedure’s benefits.

Additional Procedures

Additional procedures may be recommended alongside a facelift, depending on individual needs. These could include eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), brow lift, neck lift, or fat grafting to achieve harmonious and balanced facial rejuvenation.

Facelift Consultation Time!

Getting a facelift consultation with a surgeon is the first step in rejuvenating your facial appearance. You can discuss your goals, concerns and expectations. The surgeon will evaluate your facial structure, skin quality and signs of aging to determine if you are suitable for a facelift.

The consultation allows you to establish a rapport with the surgeon and assess their communication style and ability to understand your aesthetic desires. Additionally, the surgeon may recommend additional procedures or nonsurgical treatments to complement the facelift and achieve the best results. You can ask questions about the surgeon’s qualifications, experience and the expected outcomes of your surgery. 

Comprehensive List of Questions to Ask Your Facelift Plastic Surgeon

By asking these questions during your facelift consultation, you better understand the recovery process, the expected longevity of results and ways to maintain them and ensure you have a complete overview of the procedure. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions, plan for the postoperative period and establish a strong patient-surgeon relationship based on open communication and mutual understanding. So, what are these crucial questions?

  • What Are Your Qualifications and Certifications?

The first question you should ask is about the surgeon’s qualifications and certifications. A board-certified facial plastic surgeon is a professional who has undergone rigorous training and passed stringent exams to practice plastic surgery. Ethical standards bind them, and they must participate in ongoing education to keep their certification.

  • How Often Do You Perform Facelift Surgeries?

Experience plays a pivotal role in the success of any surgical procedure. A surgeon who regularly performs facelift surgeries will be more familiar with the nuances and complexities of the procedure, leading to better results. However, don’t confuse quantity with quality. A surgeon may have performed many surgeries but without consistently good results. Therefore, ask not only about the number of surgeries performed but also about the outcomes.

  • Do You Provide Personalized Consultations and Comprehensive Aftercare? 

A successful facelift procedure requires open communication and a personalized approach. Inquire about the surgeon’s consultation process and whether they can understand your goals, address your concerns and create a customized treatment plan. Ask about postoperative care and follow-up appointments to ensure a smooth recovery process.

  • Can I See Before-and-After Photos of Your Previous Patients?

Before-and-after photos offer visual proof of a surgeon’s work. They allow you to gauge their aesthetic sensibilities and ability to deliver natural results. When reviewing these photos, look for patients with a facial structure similar to yours and observe the changes made. Also, note whether the results look natural and whether the changes are consistent across all patients.

  • What are the Potential Risks and Complications?

Every surgery carries some risk, and a facelift is no exception. Your surgeon should be open about these potential risks and complications and explain how they plan to mitigate them. The recovery process should also be discussed in detail. This includes healing time, what to expect post-surgery, potential discomfort, and signs of complications to look out for.

  • What’s Your Approach and Technique Typically Used? 

Different surgeons may have varying approaches and techniques for facelift procedures. Understanding the specific technique your potential surgeon employs and whether it aligns with your expectations and goals is essential. Discuss the procedure details, including incision placement, tissue manipulation, and recovery time, to ensure you are comfortable with the approach.

  • Am I a Good Candidate for Facelift Surgery? 

Knowing whether you’re a good candidate for facelift surgery is vital to understanding whether the procedure aligns with your goals and expectations. Facelifts excel at addressing concerns like loose skin, sagging and deep-set wrinkles that can make you appear older than you feel. Typically, the best candidates for a facelift are individuals in their 40s, 50s or 60s, with these aging signs becoming more prominent. By asking about your candidacy, you can gain valuable insights into whether a facelift is the right path for achieving a more youthful and refreshed appearance that aligns with your unique circumstances.

  • What Type of Facelift Procedure Do You Recommend For Me?

Facelift surgeries are not one-size-fits-all. A good surgeon should provide a personalized approach to your procedure, considering factors such as your facial structure, skin elasticity, and aesthetic goals. There are various types of facelift procedures, from mini facelifts to full facelifts, each addressing different areas and levels of aging. 

Your surgeon should explain the best fit for you and why they recommend it. There are different facelift techniques, including traditional, mini and lower facelifts. The specific method used depends on the individual’s unique needs, desired outcomes and the surgeon’s expertise. Some facelift procedures may also be combined with other complementary procedures like neck lifts, brow lifts or eyelid surgeries.

  • What Type of Anesthesia Do You Recommend?

We at the Younger Facial Surgery Centre are greatly concerned about the general well-being of our patients. With that in mind, we have found, over the last 30 years, that local anesthesia with modest sedation provides a safer surgical environment for our clients and vertical long-term follow-up of these facelift patients, indicating that our local anesthesia regimen also creates a better long-term result. Following these numbers-we almost exclusively follow a local anesthesia regimen to achieve this better result.

  • Where Do You Make the Incisions?

Incisions for facelift surgeries are strategically placed to minimize visible scarring. Common incision locations include the hairline near the temples, around the ears, and sometimes under the chin. The surgeon will make incisions in inconspicuous areas to ensure any resulting scars are easily concealed.

  • Does a Facelift Leave Scars? 

Scars are an inevitable part of any surgery. However, a skilled surgeon can place incisions in discrete locations to minimize visible scarring. Incisions for facelift surgeries are strategically placed to minimize visible scarring. Common incision locations include the hairline near the temples, around the ears and sometimes under the chin. The surgeon will make incisions in inconspicuous areas to ensure any resulting scars are easily concealed.

  • What Is Your Process for Postoperative Care and Pain?

Postoperative care is as essential as the surgery itself. It contributes significantly to your comfort, recovery speed, and final results. A good postoperative plan includes detailed instructions for wound care, medications, activity limitations and follow-up appointments.

  • How Will You Handle Any Potential Complications?

Your surgeon should have a clear and comprehensive plan for dealing with potential complications. This shows their preparedness and commitment to your safety and satisfaction. Contingency planning is vital in any surgical procedure. A good surgeon will always have a Plan B if things don’t go as planned.

  • Can I Combine a Facelift With Other Procedures? 

Combining a facelift with other procedures like a neck lift, brow lift or eyelid surgery is common to achieve a more comprehensive rejuvenation. Depending on your specific concerns and goals, there are many options to consider that you never realized.

  • What Is the Average Recovery Time for Facelift Surgery? 

Understanding the average recovery time helps you plan for postoperative care and make necessary arrangements. It allows you to estimate how much time you may need to take off work or avoid strenuous activities, ensuring a smoother recovery process.

  • Are the Results of a Facelift Permanent? 

This question is essential for managing expectations. While a facelift can provide long-lasting results, it’s important to know that the aging process continues naturally. Understanding that the procedure does not halt aging completely helps you maintain realistic expectations and plan for potential touch-up procedures in the future.

  • What Can I Do to Maintain My Facelift Results? 

Inquiring about postoperative maintenance allows you to actively participate in preserving the results. The surgeon’s guidance on lifestyle choices, skincare routines, sun protection, and healthy habits can help you optimize and extend the longevity of your facelift outcomes.

  • What Is the Cost Of My Facelift?

Knowing what your fees are will help you to plan ahead for all aspects of your facelift journey. While insurance won’t cover any of these fees, there might be available financing you can take advantage of. You may be travelling to a talented doctor and expect your own expenses for gas, airplane tickets or hotel accommodations.

  • Is There Anything I Haven’t Asked About Getting a Facelift? 

This question helps ensure that you receive comprehensive information about the procedure. It prompts the surgeon to address any necessary details or considerations specific to your case that may not have been covered in the initial discussion. It encourages open communication and lets you gather all relevant information to make an informed decision.

Are You Ready to Turn Back the Clock with a Facelift?

Take the first step towards achieving your desired transformation by scheduling a consultation with one of the best plastic surgeons on the West Coast of North America, Vancouver’s leading facial plastic surgery expert, Dr. Ritchie Younger. Discover the cutting-edge techniques, personalized care, and exceptional results that await you at Younger Facial Surgery Centre.

Don’t wait any longer to fight to age and embrace the confidence you deserve. Contact our office now to embark on a transformative experience that will leave you looking and feeling your absolute best. Get ready to ask your list of questions about the procedure and see what he can do for you!

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